Getting started with CVS

For newcomers to CVS, here's a description to get you going *fast*.

Step 1.

First make sure that you download the latest WinCVS: currently the latest version is '1.3 b7'. You can download it here ( A quick tip: forget about downloading the zip file from SourceForge, try one of the mirrors (SunSite for example).
Install the package.

Step 2.

For CVS access you need to download SSH. If you use alternative SSH programs, like Plink please refer to documentation as provided.
If you already have SSH, please follow step 3.
If you don't: the easiest way to do so is to download SFSetup, another open source project hosted at SourceForge (SFSetup at SourceForge). SFSetup includes SSH: just install and off you go... but wait: you need the CVS settings! (Actually, it's probably rather wise to check out the introduction documents at SFSetup).

Step 3.

For CVS access you need a SourceForge account. I presume you already took the freedom to create one. If not, go back to SourceForge and create one. Mail one of the admins of the project (so they can add you to the project).
But back to the settings:
The project is hosted at '' and the current developers module is in directory 'phoenix RF ENG'. If you're not sure which modules you can 'check into', ask one of the admins, or check the project page.

Sources on the Project page

Additionally you can browse for the sources in the repository (see the project page). Also, so once in a blue moon, we release sources via the File Release system (every third tagged version).


Currently not, no. We told you this was going to be a quick and dirty guide, didn't we?